July 20: Working with Sound and other Non-Textual Sources

Instructors: Sheila Brennan, Sharon Leon, and Resident Instructor Michael O’Malley





  • Digital Methods: Building arguments with sound and video.
  • Hands-on Session: SoundCiteJS
  • Hands-on Session: Making a podcast
  • Break
  • Hands-on Session: Using OHMS to tag oral histories
    • Group 1: Larry, Kerry, Bethany, Aaron- Marion McPartland
      Group 2: Marybeth, Joe, Sarah, Paul –  Scott Carpenter
      Group 3: Judy R. Alvis, Alan, Anne – Doc Cheatham
      Group 4: Kristen, Michael, Liz, Ely – Jimmy Heath
      Group 5: Tammy, Jess, Tom, Judy G. – Raoul Cunningham
      Group 6: Robin, Johann, Steve, Jonathan – Oliva Ripy


  • Write a short blog post about how you might use sound or video in your class or digital project.

Extra Material

Zotero Folder – Day 8 – Working With Sound and Other Non-Textual Sources

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