July 19: Digital Public History, Sharing Authority, and Communities

Instructors: Sheila Brennan, Sharon Leon, and Guest Instructor Denise Meringolo




  • Discuss readings
  • Digital Methods: Collaboration and community sourcing of scholarly work
    • Coming to digital work as a public historian
  • Break
  • Hands-on Session: Digital Public History websites –What is Digital Public History?
  • Discuss Digital Public History Projects:
    Group 1: Larry, Kerry, Bethany, Aaron
    Group 2: Marybeth, Joe, Sarah, Paul
    Group 3: Judy R. Alvis, Alan, Anne
    Group 4: Kristen, Michael, Liz, Ely
    Group 5: Tammy, Jess, Tom, Judy G.
    Group 6: Robin, Johann, Steve, Jonathan
  • Identifying best practices
    • Identify the target audience for the project
    • Evaluate the project’s perspective on authority and community
    • How would you deepen the engagement with this material?


Project Consultations


  • Identify cultural heritage institutions for possible collaborations and digital public history project.
  • Download Audacity http://www.audacityteam.org/

Extra Material

Zotero Folder – Day 7 – Digital Public History, Sharing Authority, and Communities

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