The Three (Plus) Takeaways

Wrapping it all up now . . . what am I going to take back home?
1. Sheila’s email
2. Sharon’s email
3. Hope, audacious hope

Okay, no seriously, what I’m I going to take home from this? What am I going to try in my classroom?

1. This fall, I’m going to redo the oral history assignment, but with more confidence. I appreciate the project management documents so I can think about what I need before I need it. I’d like students to use thinglink to document the images they get during oral histories. I’d also like them to make maps and maybe timelines (sorry, Sharon) for a website for their elder partner.

2. Next week, I have a meeting with one of my colleagues in the History department. We are going to discuss our methods course specifically, but also talk about scaffolding the digital skills in our major. Articulating a plan for digital skills in the History major will help the department focus on the skills we want students to try and the skills we want them to master. Eventually, I’d like to add a class (perhaps a 2 credit mini-class) for seniors to add a digital element to their senior thesis projects.

3. I want to begin, ahem, I WILL begin planning the multi-year History Harvest and Agnes Scott History documentation project.

4. (I’m an overachiever– I need more than 3) I need to play around with Omeka so I can understand the possibilities.

5. Get my digital presence online, map out my syllabi, and get the digital components up in the next month. (gulp!)

6. Hope, sweat, cry, lose sleep, and remember that being uncomfortable is a big part of learning.

Thanks so much for this! I’m leaving so inspired, so tired, but yet, so inspired!

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