Doing Digital History, Day 1

This summer I’m fortunate enough to be attending Doing Digital History 2016, a summer institute sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

In the first day, participants got a great introduction to the evolution of digital history through early chapters in Daniel Cohen & Roy Rosenzweig’s seminal text Digital History. We discussed the creation of online profiles for academics, and the value of tools like Twitter, as well as the various advantages (and limitations) of academic blogs.

The entire conversation today convinced me that it is time to pursue a personal website/blog that can be a central “home” on the web for my work – in teaching, publications, and ongoing research projects.  I’ve thought about this for a long time but never devoted the time to setting it up; this institute seems like the perfect opportunity.  Over the two weeks and beyond, I hope to see this domain space evolve into a much more comprehensive record of my academic work.

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