[Updated March 16, 2016: Applications are now closed.]
Apply now for one of 25 available spots for the Doing Digital History: 2016 summer institute to be held July 11- 22, 2016 at George Mason University. The institute is organized by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History in New Media and generously sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of Digital Humanities.
Doing Digital History: 2016 is designed to fill a much-needed gap for established historians who need instruction and a professional learning community to engage with new media methods and tools.
We seek applications from faculty, public historians, archivists, librarians, museum professionals, and independent scholars specializing in US history, who have had very limited or no training in using digital methods and tools, or in computing, and who lack a supportive digital community at their home institutions.
Hear from Co-Director, Sharon Leon, introducing the institute at the NEH, Office of Digital Humanities Directors Meeting,
Applications will be open until March 15, 2016.