July 13: Building Digital Collections and Narrative Interpretation

Instructors: Sheila Brennan and Sharon Leon




  • Discuss readings
  • Digital Methods: Planning effective digital projects with an introduction to metadata and content management platforms
  • Hands-on Session: Server basics
  • Hands-on Session: Introduction to Metadata by examining sources in digital repositories
  • Break
  • Discussion: Identifying elements of digital projects before you start.
    1. What is the goal, question, or mission?
    2. What is the project’s content? Digital assets/collections/ data sets/ narratives
    3. How will the interface communicate your argument, display your stuff?What structure is required to accomplish your goals with the assets you have?
    4. Who is that audience?
  • Picking a platform from common content management software



Extra Material

Zotero Folder – Day 3 – Building Digital Collections and Narrative Interpretations

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